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Features of the Dutch passports 2021

On 30 August 2021 a new design of the national passport was introduced. At the same time, a new design of the refugee travel document was also introduced. The other new passport designs were introduced in November 2021.
By including the document holder’s citizen service number (BSN) in a QR code, the new design fulfils a commitment to the House of Representatives. A number of changes have also been made to maintain consistency across all Dutch travel documents. The changes will help to prevent fraud, misuse and forgery.
Passports are valid for up to 10 years. The maximum period of validity of passports issued to children under the age of 18 is five years.
Travel documents for refugees and aliens are valid for up to five years. Emergency passports and laissez-passers are valid for up to one year.
This document provides information about the security features of the new design, where these features are located on the passport and how they can be verified.
Changes to the design (front side of biographical data page)
The following changes have been made to the front side of the biographical data page of the 2021 Dutch passport design.
Front side of biographical data page of 2021 national passport

Back of biographical data page of 2021 national passport

1. New Kinegram

2. QR-code with BSN
The document holder’s BSN is contained in a QR code on the back of the biographical data page of their passport. Their
BSN has therefore been removed from the machine-readable strip and chip.
The BSN still appears in numerical form on the back of this page. QR codes offer a fast, easy and accurate way to read BSNs. The BSN-related changes apply only to national passports and business passports. Other passport designs do not include a BSN.

3. Design number
The design number appears on the back of the biographical data page of passports, emergency passports, and laissez-passers.
Design number of 2021 national passport

First-line security features
Front side of biographical data page of 2021 national passport

1. Second photo (Stereo Laser Image®)
Biographical data page of passports.
Second image of photo with year of birth and three-dimensional effect.
Verification method
With the naked eye.

2. Raised print
At the left and right sides of the laminated biographical data page of the passport.
The raised print can be felt and the text ‘Koninkrijk der Nederlanden’ (Kingdom of the Netherlands) is also visible when held at a certain angle.
Verification method
By touch.

3. Kinegram®
On the biographical data page of passports, to the left and right respectively under the first and second photos.
Metallised image that can change shape and colour.
Verification method
By tilting the passport.

4. Watermark
On the paper pages of passports, emergency passports and laissez-passers.
Multi-tone watermark.
Verification method
With the naked eye and by holding up to a light source.

5. Document number
Biographical data page and paper pages of passports, emergency passports and laissez-passers.
The number is laser-engraved in the laminated biographical data page of passports. Conical laser perforations in each paper page. Number format: positions 1 and 2: letters; positions 3 to 8: lettersor digits; position 9: digit. The letter ‘O’ and the number ‘0’ are not used in document numbers.
Verification method
The document number can be read with the naked eye. Perforated document numbers can be seen by holding up to a light source.

6. Tilted Laser Image (TLI)
Biographical data page of passports.
Perforations showing the month and year of the document holder’s birth.
Verification method
By holding up to a light source.

Second-line security features
7. UV fluorescerend image
On the biographical data page of passports. On the paper pages of passports, emergency passports and laissez-passers.
Fluorescent patterns and, in the paper pages, also fluorescent fibres.
Verification method
By using ultraviolet light.

8. Microprint
Various locations in the background print of the biographical data page of passports. Various locations on the paper pages of passports, emergency passports and laissez-passers.
Repetition of text ‘Koninkrijk der Nederlanden’ (Kingdom of the Netherlands).
Verification method
With a magnifying glass.

Overview of passport designs
Below is an overview of the passport designs introduced in the course of 2021.
National passport
34 pages
Introduced: 30 August 2021

Diplomatic passport
66 pages
Introduced: 5 November 2021

Service passport
66 pages
Introduced: 29 November 2021

Refugee travel document
34 pages
Introduced: 30 August 2021

Alien’s travel document
34 pages
Introduced: 29 November 2021

Business passport
66 pages
Introduced: 29 November 2021

No changes were made to the emergency passport or laissez-passer in 2021.
For information on the features of these documents, please consult the document ‘Features of Dutch passports and Dutch identity card 2014’.